Monday, November 18, 2013

Consentration 1 - The negative effects of technology on sleep

For those of you that don't know, my concentration is the negative effects of technology. For each piece, I will represent a negative effect that it has. For my first, I chose its effects on sleep.
I'm sure that most teenagers can relate to this in particular, the piece shows somebody a bit before midnight playing video games, then on the computer, then after that in bed - on their phone. The last panel is when they have finally gone to sleep, all that is visible is the clock.
I chose to do this in a comic style because it can show a timeline of events, and overall I'm happy about how it turned out. I stepped up my use of the Illustrator CS6 3D functions and they are surprisingly powerful and useful. There is two things in particular that I feel could use improvement. The first is the face in panel 1, which just looks off. It also looks somewhat like me, despite my attempts to make it look different(the hair color). The second thing was to emphasize a glow coming from the screens by shadowing the background. It was more difficult to do than I thought and risked ruining the image if done badly, so I left it out.
For my next concentration I will do something more simple...I want my life back.

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