Monday, December 16, 2013

Typography Fruit (Update)

I adjusted a few colors, made the seeds smaller, and feathered edges of the center to integrate it with the rest of the design better.

Concentration 3 - Constant Distraction

After my first concentration, I wanted to do one less complicated and time consuming. After the second, ditto. I think the worst part of this concentration was planning it, I really wasn't sure what to do. I began with the theme "the negative effects of technology on writing", but Then then I was given an idea to add a phone to the concept and it evolved into this. Constant Distraction.
The background of this is simply a blurred picture of my desk. The papers are a rectangle with lines and a very light texture, to make it look less artificial. The phone was done in 3D with an image mapped to it, and the pencil was created with multiple 3D shapes. I used my Bamboo tablet to write the math problems onto the paper.
I estimate the time I actually spent on this in Illustrator was only about two hours, compared to the 8 or so for my first concentrations. I finally have my life back!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Concentration 3 (Progress)

This may look complicated, but its actually very simple to make using textures and 3D.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Concentration 1 (Updated)

I didn't really do anything significant, but I have a better computer now and was able to finally render the keyboard. I had it in 3D early on but it was too much for my old computer to handle. Now as far as my third concentration goes, I have been quite busy and am a few days behind, but I hope to work on it tonight.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Typography Fruit

This could use a few adjustments to add contrast, but I haven't decided to go about that yet.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shopping Bag

This is my shopping bag design. It took much longer than it should have as a result of illustrator incompatibilities and my own procrastination. I wasn't going to use a chimpanzee originally but I couldn't make the type of monkey I wanted to, so I went with this.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19th Grade Check

Concentration 1:

Identity Package:

Conservation Poster:


Monday, November 18, 2013

Consentration 1 - The negative effects of technology on sleep

For those of you that don't know, my concentration is the negative effects of technology. For each piece, I will represent a negative effect that it has. For my first, I chose its effects on sleep.
I'm sure that most teenagers can relate to this in particular, the piece shows somebody a bit before midnight playing video games, then on the computer, then after that in bed - on their phone. The last panel is when they have finally gone to sleep, all that is visible is the clock.
I chose to do this in a comic style because it can show a timeline of events, and overall I'm happy about how it turned out. I stepped up my use of the Illustrator CS6 3D functions and they are surprisingly powerful and useful. There is two things in particular that I feel could use improvement. The first is the face in panel 1, which just looks off. It also looks somewhat like me, despite my attempts to make it look different(the hair color). The second thing was to emphasize a glow coming from the screens by shadowing the background. It was more difficult to do than I thought and risked ruining the image if done badly, so I left it out.
For my next concentration I will do something more simple...I want my life back.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Identity Package

My identity package might look somewhat familiar to anyone that was in Graphic Design 2. Is is the same core design I had used for my sketch folder. Lazy? Perhaps. But it's a design that I really like and feel that it represents me. First, because I love hexagons, and second, blue and orange are my favorite colors, and they happen to be complimentary.
For the letterhead, I faded the middle so that text could potentially be printed onto it, and  the information is spread around the top and bottom.
The envelope is the same pattern, but not faded anywhere. If the pattern were mirrored on the other side, the hexagons would wrap around the edges and make it virtually seamless, same goes for the top once it's closed.
The business card is probably the most interesting of all of these. I decided to break the rules a bit and make it smaller and into a keychain, its actual measurements are 2.83in. x 1.5in. One side of it is just the hex pattern, and the other has all  my information, including a QR code linking to this blog.
Here is the sketch folder that I mentioned above, it had much deeper colors and didn't have white lines separating the hexagons, but the pattern is otherwise the same.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Onesie Line:


Poetry Bag:




Art Education:


Conservation Poster:


Advice Poster:





Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Conservation Poster

I chose what is likely the most obvious conservation topic for my poster. Recycling. One of my biggest pet peeves is people throwing paper in a garbage can, especially when the recycle bin is a few feet away.
I was not sure wether to just say recycle, or Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I chose what I do because I allowed me to fill up more boring empty space, and get more creative with the text by using a consistant color theme with the lighter colored "RE". I crumpled up a piece of paper and scanned it to use for the background. I also considered using cardboard or newspaper, but the paper just seems like a better choice to me. I will still fine tune this over the next day or two.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


For my bird, I chose a Blue Jay. It has engaging shapes, patterns, and colors.
I used numerous individual gradients and shadows, particularly on the wings, to make them more engaging and add depth. This was the first time I got to use my Bamboo tablet a lot on an assignment and it helps by adding variety to the lines. In an earlier version of this, the eye and beak were both together in one frame, but I need another good focus point and so split the image and reversed the beak. I attempted to make a foot, but it turned out to be too difficult and blue jay feet are rather ugly looking. I think this is one of the best pieces of art I have created so far.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunflower Progress

Here are some stages my sunflower went through so far. I will probably make a few more adjustments still.
This is the sharpie drawing, I had began to fill in the background petals with circles but didn't like it. I removed them once it was in illustrator.
One night I spent a lot of time cleaning up the edges of the sunflower, and added some texture. The title was a rush just to get my idea down.
I changed all the colors somewhat, and added another texture and darkened the color in the center of the flower. I adjusted the wood texture in the background. The most significant change was I completed the title. I have been on the fence between having "sunflower as it is or fully lowercase. Uppercase was too much to look at. 


I thought I would post pictures I took as I made my Poem/Paper bag, so here they are:
 I wish I knew we were going to paint over this sooner, I wouldn't have spent so much time on this.
 After the painting was done. At the bottom there are stamps I made with an X-acto knife.
 Music notes and some sponge texture.
 The bird was made with Sharpie, Prismacolor pencils, and paint.
 I cut out letters and painted over them.
 Added lines under the text, and used silver sharpie to make the bars. I also added some texture with oil pastels.
Last, I covered most of it in wax, which blended the oil pastels.
The poem I used is I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


For my 6x6's, I am making pictures of food out of pixel art. So far I have completed four of them. Here they are:

The first I did was a cup of tea(or coffee, who cares).
 For the second, I made a pear. Apples are overrated.

Third is a hamburger. This one was probably the most difficult to make so far, since I'm limited to a 32x32 pixel grad in black and white. I tried using grey also, but it actually turned out looking bad.

 An ice cream cone. This turned out to be the most difficult to do because balancing the left and right sides of the ice cream is difficult since this is far from symmetrical.

Pizza. Yum.
Bacon. Enough said.

Blog Updated!

I have updated the layout of my blog to a different template and added links to all my AP Studio Art work in the sidebar to make it easier to find. I will post my completed work at these links, as well as in progress assignments(they will be marked to make sure its clear they are not complete).

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Advice Poster

Nothing major here, I just brightened the text and aligned it with the maze better.
I would have liked to  have mapped the text to the walls to keep it more accurate, but I don't know if I can map more than one thing to a wall. Not to mention even it I can, my computer wont be able to handle rendering it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Onesie Line

I didn't make any major changes here, I just cleaned up a few lines on the rattlesnake and edited colors to improve the contrast.
 Here are individual pictures of each onesie:
This should be my final update to the onesie line. I will remove progress from the name once I am 100% sure.