Monday, December 16, 2013

Typography Fruit (Update)

I adjusted a few colors, made the seeds smaller, and feathered edges of the center to integrate it with the rest of the design better.

Concentration 3 - Constant Distraction

After my first concentration, I wanted to do one less complicated and time consuming. After the second, ditto. I think the worst part of this concentration was planning it, I really wasn't sure what to do. I began with the theme "the negative effects of technology on writing", but Then then I was given an idea to add a phone to the concept and it evolved into this. Constant Distraction.
The background of this is simply a blurred picture of my desk. The papers are a rectangle with lines and a very light texture, to make it look less artificial. The phone was done in 3D with an image mapped to it, and the pencil was created with multiple 3D shapes. I used my Bamboo tablet to write the math problems onto the paper.
I estimate the time I actually spent on this in Illustrator was only about two hours, compared to the 8 or so for my first concentrations. I finally have my life back!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Concentration 3 (Progress)

This may look complicated, but its actually very simple to make using textures and 3D.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Concentration 1 (Updated)

I didn't really do anything significant, but I have a better computer now and was able to finally render the keyboard. I had it in 3D early on but it was too much for my old computer to handle. Now as far as my third concentration goes, I have been quite busy and am a few days behind, but I hope to work on it tonight.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Typography Fruit

This could use a few adjustments to add contrast, but I haven't decided to go about that yet.